Wednesday, 30 September 2009


Today something hit me really hard.... not sure what.... perhaps realizing i had only 1 year left of my apprenticeship and then im free... or no ones concern... plus i think that my mate is leaving to travel has had an effect.

I still make tiny mistake in my work and im trying so hard to iron them out , i have bouts of crippling self doubt about if im any good at it! haha im assured everyone does and that im a good mason, i know the only person who can really re-assure myself is me , but when you know all the tiny imperfections youve marred the stone with even if there not visable to average bystander it just comes down to "its within tollerance" but u cant help but think " it should be better " and "i should be better"

i know these things take a long time to master. . .

wit money worries gone and everything smooth at the moment i can concentrate more on what i want.

i have a year to train for the next compertition, so as of today im giving 200% more with speed accuracy and commitment, this is my last chance , last year was a practice and i want to make something of myself , and not dissapoint the ones i aspire to be like.

Its all going to change, i promise myself this.

i will achieve my potential and that is an amazing mason.

gonna give it my all this last year.

ive got nothing to lose

wish me luck.